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Auto-generated docs-only module listing all defined dispatchables for this pallet.

Warning: Doc-Only

Members of this module cannot be used directly and are only provided for documentation purposes. To see the real version of each dispatchable, look for them in Pallet or Call.


  • Adds a new public key to an existing Message Source Account (MSA). This functionality enables the MSA owner to manage multiple keys for their account or rotate keys for enhanced security.
  • Creates an MSA for the Origin (sender of the transaction). Origin is assigned an MSA ID.
  • Adds an association between MSA id and ProviderRegistryEntry. As of now, the only piece of metadata we are recording is provider name.
  • Create a provider by means of governance approval
  • Origin MSA creates an MSA on behalf of delegator_key, creates a Delegation with the delegator_key’s MSA as the Delegator and origin as Provider. Deposits events MsaCreated and DelegationGranted.
  • Remove a key associated with an MSA by expiring it at the current block.
  • Creates a new Delegation for an existing MSA, with origin as the Provider and delegator_key is the delegator. Since it is being sent on the Delegator’s behalf, it requires the Delegator to authorize the new Delegation.
  • Propose to be a provider. Creates a proposal for council approval to create a provider from a MSA
  • Retires a MSA
  • Delegator (Origin) MSA terminates a delegation relationship with the Provider MSA. Deposits eventDelegationRevoked.
  • Provider MSA terminates Delegation with a Delegator MSA by expiring the Delegation at the current block.
  • Revokes a list of schema permissions to a provider. Attempting to revoke a Schemas that have already been revoked are ignored.