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//! # Frequency Primitives
//! Primitives package contains many of the structs and trait implementations
//! for Pallets and utilities that need to be shared across packages
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
// Strong Documentation Lints
/// Types for the Handles pallet
pub mod handles;
/// macros
pub mod macros;
/// Structs and traits for the Messages pallet.
pub mod messages;
/// Structs and traits for the MSA pallet.
pub mod msa;
/// Node level primitives.
pub mod node;
/// Structs and traits for parquet
pub mod parquet;
/// Structs and traits for better RPCs
pub mod rpc;
/// Structs and traits for the Schema pallet
pub mod schema;
/// Types for the Stateful Storage pallet
pub mod stateful_storage;
/// Structs and traits for the utility package.
pub mod utils;
/// Structs and traits for the Capacity pallet.
pub mod capacity;
/// Constants and types for offchain data
pub mod offchain;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
/// Benchmarking helper trait
pub mod benchmarks;
/// Signature support for ethereum
pub mod signatures;