Crate pallet_handles

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Unique human-readable strings for MSAs

Handles Pallet

Creates human-readable, homoglyph-attack resistant handles for MSAs.


Provides MSAs with an optional, but unique handle.

A handle consists of:

  • Base Handle: The user’s chosen handle. It is not guaranteed to be unique without the suffix. It is linked to a normalized version for Handle to MSA Id resolution. See UTF-8 Support and Homoglyph Attack Resistence below.
  • Suffix: A suffix is a unique numeric value appended to a user’s base handle to make it unique.
  • Display Handle: The user’s original (un-normalized, but with whitespace trimmed and consolidated) base handle string and the suffix together (base.suffix) constitute a unique identifier for a user.

UTF-8 Support

Handles are able to have many allowed ranges of UTF-8. Some ranges, such as emoji, are currently not allowed. Due to the handling of homoglyphs, some handles will resolve to the same value. For example, while the display may have diacriticals or homoglyphs, the handle is stored with diacriticals and homoglyphs normalized. So Zoë.35 and Zoe.35 will both resolve to the same MSA Id.

Homoglyph Attack Resistance

Two or more characters that appear the same to the user are homoglyphs. To prevent most homoglyph attacks where one user attempts to impersonate another, the user’s requested Base Handle is converted to a canonical, normalized version of the handle. The canonical version determines the suffix series that is chosen. An end user can therefore be reasonably assured that a display handle with the correct numeric suffix resolves to the desired user, regardless of the homoglyph-variant of the displayed base. (ie, for the suffix .25, all variants of the canonical base a1ice resolve to the same user: a1ice, alice, alicë, a1icé, etc…)


The Handles pallet provides for:

  • Unique identifier for an MSA
  • Creation by proxy
  • Tokenless handle removal
  • Shuffled sequences for Suffixes



Name/DescriptionCallerPaymentKey EventsRuntime Added
Claim a handle with the given
Provider or MSA OwnerCapacity or TokensHandleClaimed27
Retire a handle. Retired handles + suffix are never reused.
MSA OwnerFreeHandleRetired27
Convenience method to retire and then claim a new handle
Provider or MSA OwnerCapacity or TokensHandleRetired, HandleClaimed47

See Rust Docs for more details.

State Queries

Note: RPC use is suggested over the direct state queries for handles.

NameDescriptionQueryRuntime Added
Get Handle by MSA IdReturns the Display Handle and the block number in which it was claimedmsaIdToDisplayName29
Get MSA Id by Canonical Base and SuffixUses the stored canonical lookup string NOT the display handle with the suffix to retrieve the MSA IdcanonicalBaseHandleAndSuffixToMSAId29

See the Rust Docs for additional state queries and details.


Note: May be restricted based on node settings and configuration.

NameDescriptionCallNode Version
Get Handle by MSA IdReturns the base handle and suffix as well as the canonical version of the handlegetHandleforMSAv1.6.0+
Get MSA Id by Display HandleReturns the MSA Id for a given Display HandlegetMsaForHandlev1.6.0+
Validate Handle StringChecks to see if the handle string validatesvalidateHandlev1.8.0+
Get Next SuffixesGiven a Base Handle and count, returns the next suffixes that will be used for claimed handlesgetNextSuffixesv1.8.0+

See Rust Docs for more details.

Shuffled Sequences

To limit the human value of low or particular suffixes, the pallet uses a shuffled sequence to choose a semi-randon suffix for a specific canonical handle string. The shuffle only requires storage of the current index, same as an ordered suffix system. The computational cost is greater the larger the index grows as it is lazy evaluation of the Rand32 given a deterministic seed generated from the canonical handle string. See more details at [handles_utils::suffix]



  • Substrate Signed Extension for validating requests to the handles pallet
  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
  • Autogenerated weights for pallet_handles